Thursday, September 13, 2018

How to Secure Data for Transport in Cloud Computing

Secure Data for Transport in Cloud Computing
How to Secure Data for Transport in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing in a knot shell according to wikipedia is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

When transporting data in a cloud computing environment, there are two things to keep in mind, one is to make sure that no one can intercept your data as it moves from point Y to point Z in the cloud, and then the second is to make sure that no data leaks maliciously or otherwise from any storage in the cloud.


In the cloud, the journey from point Y to point Z might be within a cloud environment, over the public Internet between an enterprise and a cloud provider, or between clouds.
The security process may include segregating your data from other companies’ data and then encrypting it by using an approved method. In addition, you may want to ensure the security of older data that remains with a cloud vendor after you no longer need it.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) 
This is one the common ways to manage the security of data during its transport in a cloud environment. A Virtual private Network essentially makes the public network your own private network instead of using dedicated connectivity. A well designed Virtual Private Network needs to incorporate two things:
·         A firewall to act as a barrier between the public Internet and any private network (like at your enterprise).
·         Encryption to protect your sensitive data from hackers; only the computer that you send it to should have the key to decode the data.
Again, you will need to determine how you can audit the ongoing security processes to make sure that your data remains secure.

N/B: Concerns about privacy and security of data have contributed to many companies’ interest in developing private cloud environments, where company data remains inside the firewall and to consider hybrid cloud environments, which incorporate some elements of a private cloud and some elements of a public cloud.
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