Sunday, October 15, 2017

How to pay EBSU School fees

How to pay EBSU School feesHow to pay EBSU School fees

The Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki has made all the payments feasible. Prospective students seeking for admission into the University need not to go to the school to pay one fee or the other as he or she can process all the fees online.
Para-venture you are seeking on:

  1. How to pay EBSU regular School Fee,

  2. How to pay for EBSU Post UTME Exam result

  3. How to pay EBSU acceptance fee

  4. How to pay EBSU Work and Study

  5. or any other fees that you are to pay,
This article will guide you on how to make all the payments online feasibly.
The under listed amount are the scheduled school fees for all the EBSU undergraduates for 2017/2018 academic session:


School fee for Indigenes
School Fees for non-indigene
NGN 12,000 (Twelve Thousand Naira)
22,000 (Twenty Two thousand Naira)

School Fees
NGN 88,000 (Eight Eight Thousand Naira Only)
NGN128,000 (One Hundred and twenty Eight thousand Naira only)

N100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira only)
NGN150,000 (One hundred and Fifty thousand Naira only)

How to pay for EBSU School Fee

If you have been offered admission into Ebonyi State University to study any of the approved courses as shown in our previous articles, you can pay your fees online by following the undelisted steps but before then, you have to ensure that your name is on the school database.
To do that, visit  to register
  1. Enter your JAMB Registration Number
  2. Proceed to generate invoice.
  3. Take the invoice to the Bank to make payment.
  4. After payment, you will be given a token.
  5. Return back to this page and enter your JAMB Registration number and your Etranzact Confirmation Order Number obtained from the bank to print your Screening Result Slip.
 Stay tuned for more updates on how to pay for other fees

Also check:

 EBSU Admission requiurements


Ebsu course registration

Ebonyi state university post utme

Ebsu news

Ebonyi state university admission list

Ebonyi state university school fees

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Ebonyi state university courses

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