Sunday, April 16, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions on N-Power 2

Frequently Asked Questions on N-Power
How do I select a device?

  1. Login into your using your username and password.
  2. Check your profile page for the verified logo indicating you are qualified to select a device.
  3. Click the green box to select device, once the logo appears on your profile.
  4. Read the instruction on the process on device selection.
  5. Click on the device you want to select and go through the details attached to selecting that particular device.
  6. After selecting there would be a confirmation mail sent to you on the device you have selected.
  7. Once a particular device has been selected, there would be NO change of such device.
NOTE: Please ensure to read the terms and conditions before agreeing.

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Can I change my device after selection?

Once a particular device has been selected, there would be NO change of such device.

How do I know how much is deducted after my device selection?

Once selection is made the stipend allocated to you would be visible on your profile page before confirming the device selected.

How do I know I am eligible to select a device?

Once the “VERIFIED” logo appears it means that you can proceed to device selection.

How would I know my primary place of assignment?

 The primary places of assignment are primary schools for N-Teach volunteers, primary health care centers for N-health volunteers and State Agriculture Development Project (ADPs) for N-agro all within their Local Government Centers.

What is the process for redeployment?

Only volunteers posted outside their LGA of residence would be considered for redeployment.
  1. Go to your LGA of residence.
  2. Meet the focal person and tender evidence showing that your place of primary assignment is not in your state of residence (e.g. place of primary assignment –  Abia, state of residence – Sokoto.
  3. Follow the instructions given to you by the focal person.

How do I exit the N-Power program?

  1. Kindly write a formal resignation letter to N-Power through your State focal person.
  2. The state focal person will scan your letter and send it to 
  3. We will acknowledge and discontinue you from the Programme.

 Can I come back into the program once I have exited?

Once a volunteer exits the program, you need to re-apply to be enrolled back into the N-Power program. 

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